Bocas del Toro Province
The Ngäbe and Buglé peoples have long suffered discrimination and repression. Large-scale development projects – which the government of Panama illegally imposes on our communities without free, prior and informed consent – are destroying our forests, our soils and our rivers, impoverishing our communities and endangering our traditional ways of life. In 2006, we founded the Movement for the Defence of the Territories and Ecosystems of Bocas del Toro (El Movimiento por la Defensa de los Territorios y Ecosistemas de Bocas del Toro; MODETEAB) to advocate for Ngäbe and Buglé communities threatened with the dispossession of their ancestral territories.
Bocas del Toro Province
Veraguas Province
All the latest news from MODETEAB in Bocas del Toro Chö visits AES Changuinola's problematic Chan 75 hydroelectric dam...